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Registration Requirments:

SBV Tours – Registration document - One per travelers together with a $200.00 check made payable to SBV Tours


1.      Personal details of traveler (one form per traveler) Please print clearly!


NAME OF TEAM:_________________________________________________________________________


FULL NAME (As per Passport):____________________________________(PLAYER OR SUPPORTER (please circle))


BIRTH DATE (MM/DD/YYYY):____________________________AGE at Date of Travel:_____GENDER:__________


PARENTS/GUARDIANS NAME:_____________________________________________________________




TELEPHONE (Home):____________________________(Work):________________________(Cell):_______________

EMAIL ADDRESS (Parent/Guardian):_________________________________________________________________


T-SHIRT SIZE: _______________(needed for ALL Travelers)


2.      Flight option


SBV Tours Flight Option**: YES or NO?______________BOOKING OWN FLIGHT: YES or NO?____________


** This needs to be completed accurately as we will be booking/holding a set number of seats as soon as registrations are collected. These seat requirements will be dependent on the group having a minimum of 10 travelers taking the group flight option.


3.      Emergency Contact Details (While on Tour)


NAME:_____________________________________RELATIONSHIP TO TRAVELR:____________________


TELEPHONE (Home):____________________________(Work):________________________(Cell):_______________

EMAIL ADDRESS (Parent/Guardian):_____________________________________________________________________


4.      Medical Release


As parent or legal guardian of (insert minor’s name):______________________________________ I/We hear by authorize the coaches, trainers and chaperones of SBV Tours to make decisions to proceed with any critical medical or surgical treatment required for my son/daughter provided and attempt to notify me/us has first been made. I/We agree to be responsible for any and all costs that may be incurred as a result of treatment and care. I/We agree not to hold SBV Tours and/or its staff liable and responsible in any way.


** Please notify SBV Tours of any medical conditions no later than 30 days prior to travel


5.      Signatures


SIGNATURE OF PLAYER: _______________________________________________DATE:______________


SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN:_____________________________________DATE:______________



6.      Registration Waiver and Parental Consent


One form per each traveler to be completed and scanned and emailed or mailed in with completed registration information. SBV Tours are proud of the fact that they have not experienced any major disciplinary problems during any past tours.

The following is a list of rules and expectations can various consequences:

1.Any use or possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs is strictly prohibited and may result in your expulsion from the tour. The families concerned will pay for the cost of any early flights back to the U.S

2.Vandalism or stealing will result in expulsion from the tour unless there are extenuating circumstances

3.Players are required to be in groups of two or more and with a responsible adult when in shopping areas, swimming pools, sightseeing areas, any free time and during official tour functions

4.Curfew for all players will be 10:30pm. This may be extended of shortened at the discretion of the coach or SBV Tour staff

5.Unlawful acts by any player will result in immediate expulsion from the tour and appropriate punishment by civil authorities concerned and no way the responsibility of SBV Tours and/or its staff

6.Lack of respect for the coaching staff and/or administrators and/or hotels staff or vendors may result in loss of privileges. i.e. absence from games and functions or even expulsion from the tour

7.Unauthorized absence(s) from games, practices or any excursions may result in tour termination

8.No player traveling alone will be allowed to undertake any activities without the prior consent of the team coach/group leader or authorized parent/guardian

It is understood that should a player be expelled from the tour for disciplinary reasons, ALL expenses will be the responsibility of the players’ family. No refunds will be given, SBV Tours bears no liability for any costs incurred as a result of expulsion.


7.      Liability Waiver and Parental Consent


Each participant should have approval to participate in any activities of SBV Tours during the organized tour. Parents/Guardians must acknowledge that participation is sports competition carries with it potential hazard. Parents/Guardians must understand and assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of activities and to the transportation to and from any and all activities. Parents/Guardians must acknowledge that in the case of injury or death during the tour (including any activities or transportation to and from such activities), they must release, absolve, indemnify and waive all claims against SBV Tours and its affiliates including but not limited to sports, SBV Tours, and its organizers, suppliers, vendors, officials and sponsors.



TRAVELING PLAYERS NAME:___________________________________________________________________


TRAVELING PLAYERS SIGNATURE:_________________________________________________________


PLAYERS PARENT/GUARDIAN Signature:________________________________________________





Terms & Conditions / Registration Document:

To guarantee your spot on this tour please Print and return all pages of this document and make sure that each page is completed along with a $200 deposit and complete the registration form online. 

Waiver / Itinerary Confirmation: 
SBV Tours have customized an itinerary that has been provided to you previously as a sample itinerary for your group. This itinerary is subject to modification and change. SBV Tours reserves the right to make changes in fees, departure dates, departure cities, itinerary, airlines, hotels, field trips and activities. Such changes are not grounds for withdrawal from or cancellation with refund. The final detailed itinerary will be mailed to you and/or the group leader / coach of your team no later than one week prior to your departure. 

SBV Tours may cancel a program due to insufficient enrollment, un-foreseen operational difficulties, lack of projected availability or any other reasons. If a trip is cancelled by SBV Tours, a full refund will be made to you within six weeks of the cancellation date.


SBV Tours has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the suppliers contracted for services during your trip are efficient and reliable and they maintain high standards. If unforeseen conditions beyond our control necessitate changes, SBV Tours reserves the right to make changes to the itineraries and substitute the best alternate available. We act only as an agent for the passenger in all matters connected with accommodation, dining services and transportation. As agent SBV Tours holds itself free of responsibility for any damage, expense or inconvenience caused by delayed or cancelled transportation services, changes of schedules, strikers or conditions beyond our control.


Inclement Weather: 
In the event of a sporting event or fixture being deemed unplayable due to weather conditions, every attempt will be made to reschedule the game(s) at a later date in the tour. SBV Tours cannot be held responsible for the cancellation of games within a tournament organized by a third party. 

Traveling supporters, parents or siblings: 
Traveling supporters, parents or siblings are more than welcome to join the tour group. The land package price will be the same as the main group unless special requirements are made with SBV Tours. A registration form along with a $200 deposit will be required for each traveling supporter.


Group Size: 
All tours pricing is based on a minimum of 20 travelers. If the group size falls below this number the group may be subject to an additional charge to cover transportation fees etc. This additional fee will be waived if the group can be combined with another group.


Exchange Rates: 
All costs are calculated in the respective exchange rates when providing an initial group tour cost. SBV Tours reserves the right to adjust final fees if there is an increase in the exchange rate. If this applies, any increase will be calculated at the Paying of the final balance. This increase in exchange rate(s) will only affect the land based expenses that are charged to SBV Tours by their vendors. 


Passports and Visa’s: 
Passports are required for all SBV Tours programs. Each individual traveler needs to apply at least 12 weeks before departure (sooner if you need a visa). Contact your local post office for the forms. For further information, visit the website at . Visas (if applicable) will need to be applied for at least 16 weeks before departure. Non-U.S. citizens are responsible for obtaining all documents needed to enter the countries to be visited or connected through and for re-entry into the U.S.A. SBV Tours will not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred by travelers not obtaining proper travel documents; passports, visas, permission to travel etc. 

If you decide to use the SBV Tours flight option then you will need to acknowledge this on the enclosed registration form. For SBV Tours to book your flights we need a minimum of 10 travelers taking the flight option (per airline regulations). Flights will not be booked or deposited on by SBV Tours until traveler registration forms and traveler deposits are in hand. 

SBV Tours will confirm ‘group’ travel dates, airlines and arrival/departure cities but will not participate in any flight deviations of any form. For any flight deviations you will need to deal directly with your travel agent. If booking your flights through SBV Tours then you will receive your flight tickets or e-tickets 7-10 days prior to departure. 

If booking your own flight you will need to correspond with SBV Tours regarding your confirmed flight details. If traveling separate from the main group, please be aware you will be responsible for all transportation costs until you meet up with the main tour group at the final destination. Similarly, any required logistics or costs at the end of the tour would also be your responsibility.


SBV Tours Travel Director: 
SBV Tours will provide a fully qualified and experienced ‘Travel Director’ (if required/requested) to accompany each group that travels with SBV Tours. The SBV Tours Travel Director is responsible for all group logistics for the duration of the tour. The Travel Directors are group representatives for the group (and not qualified guides) and are by no means acting as chaperones for each traveler. If there is are any concerns by the parents for family member travelers, SBV Tours strongly suggests then that at least one parent travel with the family member. Thus SBV Tours is not responsible for each traveler other than to provide direction as a group leader.


All travelers will be placed in a double, twin or triple rooms when staying in hotels during the tour. Rooming for players is usually based on minimum twin occupancy. Rooming for adults is based on twin occupancy and any single rooms will incur a single room supplement fee, which will be added to your invoice. All such rooming requests must be received no later than 60 days prior to departure. If staying in dormitory facilities at a University or College then accommodation will usually be single rooms with either en-suite or shared facilities. 
For the majority of our tours SBV Tours supplies two meals a day (breakfast and evening meal). During certain tournament participation this may increase to three meals per day (breakfast, lunch and evening meal). Please refer to your specialized itinerary for details concerning your specific tour.


Travel Insurance Coverage: 
SBV Tours provides information regarding travel insurance to all SBV Tours travelers and thoroughly recommends that travel insurance is purchased. Individuals are free to contact other travel insurance providers to obtain their own travel insurance coverage. Be advised that the terms and conditions of coverage may vary according to the insurance provider. It is understood that SBV Tours accepts no liability for damages or cancellations incurred by circumstances that would be covered under trip / travel insurance.


All travelers should have the necessary medical information (i.e. Medical instructions, insurance information, a list of allergies, health problems and permission for medical personnel to treat). Medical disbursement should be discussed and agreed upon by Group prior to travel. Special dietary needs should be advised to us at least 30 days prior to departure.


Permission to Photograph or Videotape: 
Throughout the year, SBV Tours may use photograph or video image tour participants with or without identification. If participants do not wish to appear in photograph or videotape, please notify SBV Tours in writing indicating to which extent you deny such reproduction. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their child being photographed or videotaped, no matter by whom taken unless notification is received and agree that no fee would be paid for this. 

Registration and Payment Terms: 
A registration will be considered binding on both parties upon receipt of this Registration Document – SBV Tours and a $200 deposit for each traveler.
In receiving your registration an agreement to carry out the obligations as listed in our specific itinerary supplied to your group and under all the terms listed in the Terms & Conditions/Registration Document – SBV Tours. 

All travelers are requested to follow the payment plan provided to the group with fight balance paid 90 days prior and final balance paid no later than two months (30 days) prior to departure. Please refer to your SBV Tours Itinerary for final pricing.


Payment Plan: 
An agreed payment plan will be communicated to the group once the group registers.
Final Payment Balance for those taking SBV Tours flight - Due no later than 90 days prior to travel 
The payment plan will commence the 15th of the month following collection of registrations and deposits and will be confirmed with the group leader prior to payments commencing. For those taking SBV Tours flights, those must be paid for in full prior to ticketing.


Waiver / Itinerary Confirmation: 
SBV Tours have customized an itinerary that has been provided to you previously as a sample itinerary for your group. This itinerary is subject to modification and change. SBV Tours reserves the right to make changes in fees, departure dates, departure cities, itinerary, airlines, hotels, field trips and activities.
Such changes are not grounds for withdrawal from or cancellation with refund. The final detailed itinerary will be mailed to you and/or the group leader/ coach of your team no later than one week prior to your departure, along with phone numbers and addresses of all accommodations and contact persons to your destinations. 

SBV Tours may cancel a program due to insufficient enrollment, un-foreseen operational difficulties, lack of projected availability or any other reasons.
If a trip is cancelled by SBV Tours, a full refund will be made to you within six weeks of the cancellation date.



Cancellation Policy: 
Written notification of cancellation must be received by SBV Tours, if an individual decides to cancel at any time. Cancellation for any reason will result in the following costs. 
• All deposits are non-refundable. 
• Cancellations received more than 120 days prior to departure will result in a $500 per traveler penalty. 
• Cancellations received 120 – 90 days prior to departure will result in a $750 per traveler penalty. 
• Cancellations less than 90 days prior to departure will result in no refund at all. 

I confirm that I have read and abide by the Terms & Conditions – SBV Tours. 
Furthermore I confirm that I have read the Payment Terms & Cancellation Policy provided on this page and I agree by the terms listed.



Name of Traveler_______________________________________________                                 
(Please Print) (Parent signature required if player is traveling)











Attn: SBV TOURS: 13700 Switzer Rd, Overland Park, KS 66221

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